The Responsive Web Design architecture that allows you to mirror the content from a website to any type of mobile device. Tablets, iPhones, Android devices are being used more to access the internet and responsive design allows you to easily use them for mobile web browsing.
Responsive web design implementation onto websites allows sites to move freely about the world via mobile
device. Responsive web design automatically converts the website content into a mobile friendly viewing
experience while being looked at on a mobile device. These conversions make it less hassle to expand and
contract screens allowing users to see all the information. Responsive web design takes the existing content
and makes the mobile display of the website just as easily viewed as on a desktop computer.
Faster Viewing
The purpose of mobile technology is for information on the go, to have available, and to be fast. Responsive
web design does all this. It limits videos, animations, images and keeps the simple content on the device
ensuring that it runs fast without all the fancy desktop functions. Responsive web design allows the website
to perform more like and app and it limits the pinching and zooming you would normally have to do to view

Responsive Web Design Features
- One platform for each mobile device
- iPhone, Android, Tablets, iPads
- Simplified viewing on small screens
- Large menu bar on desktop compacts into a simple drop down on mobile devices
- Automatic adjustments to each size display
Controls the amount of content displayed on screen
- Smaller screen will get less and larger screens will get a little bit more